Alec Soth_Dog-Days-2003
Alec SothDog Days, Bogotá, 2003.
Photo: © Alec Soth/Magnum Photos, courtesy of Magnum Photos

Animal Suffering and Human Supremacism

Martin Gibert
Esse has long been concerned about the treatment of non-human living beings in contemporary art, be it regarding practices that directly involve animal exploitation, or, equally problematic, those that involve the participation of animals in less visible ways. Our thematic section on pain prompted us to interview philosopher Martin Gibert on the subject. A vegan activist engaged in the antispeciesist cause and a researcher on the ethics of artificial intelligence at Université de Montréal, Gibert has, in recent years, focused on challenging carnist beliefs and behaviours. He has written on the moral imagination and the paradox of meat, notably in his influential essay Voir son steak comme un animal mort.

Esse : What avenues for reflection on animal suffering does philosophy offer?

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This article also appears in the issue 106 - Pain

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