Josh CallaghanBranch Set II, 2022, installation view, MKG127, Toronto, 2023.
Photo: Toni Hafkenscheid, courtesy of MKG127, Toronto
MKG127, Toronto
January 14 — February 11, 2023
[En anglais]

Above and beyond the human toll of the virus itself, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed already-existing social disparities and stresses on the global economic system. Supply Chain Issues at Toronto’s MKG127 took this ongoing crisis as an opportunity to amplify the work of artists whose explorations of fraying infrastructures similarly predated the World Health Organization’s declaration of an international health emergency in March 2020. The exhibition’s West Coast roster of artists was a canny materialization of the logistical stakes of long-distance distribution.

The mock pathos of Vancouver-based artist Germaine Koh’s Roadkill series (2013– 17) draws attention to car culture and recreational hunting as vectors of ecological comorbidity. Recovered from far-flung roadsides and mounted like trophies, Roadkill’s tortured shreds of rubber tire elaborate a poignant poetics of environmental degradation.

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Cet article parait également dans le numéro 108 - Résilience

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