Sex Life: Homoeroticism in Drawing

Adam Barbu
SAW Gallery,Ottawa July 19 — September 28, 2019
Sholem Krishtalka  The Faggots & Their Friends Between Revolutions,, 2017–2019, installation view, SAW Gallery, Ottawa, 2019.
Photo : Justin Wonnacott / SAW
SAW Gallery,Ottawa July 19 — September 28, 2019
Cindy Baker
Crash Pad, 2017, installation view, SAW Gallery, Ottawa, 2019.
Photo : Justin Wonnacott / SAW

As the first exhibition presented at the newly renovated and remodelled SAW Gallery, Sex Life: Homoeroticism in Drawing proposes timely ethical considerations of intimacy, pleasure, and the erotic. Bringing together a diverse group of artists and works, Sex Life proposes an alternative reading of the commonly used term “life drawing.” The exhibition does not merely offer mimetic representations of the homoerotic body that are meant to be admired at a comfortable, neutral distance. Instead, we are invited to explore tensions between the everyday and the surreal, thus entering into an expanded field of drawing.

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