The Undecidable

By choosing “the undecidable” as the starting point for a reflection on contemporary art, this publication intends a new and critical perspective on art, the object, and its relationship to the world and contemporary reality. Here, the notion of undecidability describes a multiplicity of borderline zones obliterating the limits between art and non-art, artist and object, fiction and reality, aesthetic and political positions. In the postmodern cultural context, it seems clear to us that what we define as undecidable cannot be reduced to a single identity, territory, or fixed and unitary history. Relationships and shifts are foregrounded between objects, truths and certainties within a current artistic production that resists easy interpretation or predictability. Contemporary art’s concomitance with the everyday and with life appears to be particularly destabilizing, such that current productions seem to suspend any definitive assessment that might attempt to circumscribe what is actually being proposed before us.



Bilingual Paper

Bilingual PDF


Edited by Thérèse St-Gelais

With essays by:
Marie Fraser, Aux bords de l’art
Jean-Philippe Uzel, Les objets trickster de l’art actuel
Patrice Loubier, Embuscades et raccourcis : formes de l’indécidable dans l’art d’intervention contemporain
Joanne Lalonde, Projections pour une mécréante
Jocelyne Lupien, Du sens des sens dans l’art actuel
Thérèse St-Gelais, De la provocation (critique) : entre l’exhibition et l’apparente dissimulation
Vincent Lavoie, L’archive indéfinie. Walid Raad et les imaginaires du conflit libanais

L’indécidable : écarts et déplacements de l’art actuel
The Undecidable: Gaps and Displacements of Contemporary Art
296 pages, colour, 220 x 160 mm
Bilingual book (French—English)
ISBN 978-2-9809052-1-6