Stéphane Gilot, La cité performative | The performative city, 7,00 x 6,60 x 1,50 m, 2010. Vidéos : Fesse et Crésselle, François Morelli, Mathieu Latulippe, Collectif TouVa.
photo : Bettina Hoffmann

Mondes modèles brings together a group of installations consisting of models and video elements (cameras and remote-controlled probes, video performances generally inserted into the models using small screens). Rooted in modelling and the notion of film architecture, this practice asks: At what point is a world considered real? Under what conditions does architectural intervention act as an interface between reality and fiction, whereas the screen acts, instead, as trickery? This project seeks to develop a cineplastics (Élie Faure), which is to say, to blend the architectural framework (habitat, urban planning, proxemics) and the video framework (event, performance, play, narration). On either side of the screen or window, it is the participation of the visitors and the performance of the actors (real people or figurines) that embody the possibilities set forth by the modelling work. Born in Belgium, Stéphane Gilot has been based in Montreal since 1996. His work has been exhibited in Canada, the U.S., Brazil and in a dozen European countries. 

Stéphane Gilot, La cité performative | The performative city, 7,00 x 6,60 x 1,50 m,
2010. Vidéos : Fesse et Crésselle, François Morelli, Mathieu Latulippe, Collectif TouVa.
photos : Bettina Hoffmann
Stéphane Gilot
This article also appears in the issue 70 - Miniature

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