Now Bulletin: Artworks, Letters and Printed Matter from the Garry Neill Kennedy Collection 1968 – 2019

Stéphane Bernard
Griffin Art Projects,Vancouver September 19 — December 12, 2020
Now Bulletin: Artworks, Letters and Printed Matter from the Garry Neill Kennedy Collection 1968 – 2019, installation view, Griffin Art Projects, Vancouver, 2020.
Photo : Rachel Topham Photography
Griffin Art Projects,Vancouver September 19 — December 12, 2020
Now Bulletin: Artworks, Letters, and Printed Matter from the Garry Neill Kennedy Collection 1968–2019, installation view, Griffin Art Projects, Vancouver, 2020.
Photo : Rachel Topham Photography
[En anglais]
Memory is a funny thing... To call it plainly “subjective” is an understatement of a much more complicated phenomenon. Memory often hinges on specific sounds or smells to trigger deep-felt emotions that bring forgotten moments to our consciousness. At other times, a certain place will bring back the thought of an event long past, or the recollection of a friend that has since moved away. Artworks are another potent prompt for remembering people or things seen, felt, or experienced at one time or another. 

With this in mind, I set out to discover Griffin Art Projects’ exhibition, NOW BULLETIN: Artworks, Letters and Printed Matter from the Garry Neill Kennedy Collection 1968–2019. The exhibition was culled from the private collection of Garry Neill Kennedy, spanning over fifty years of collecting and art-making, since his appointment as President of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (NSCAD) in Halifax in 1967. 

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Cet article parait également dans le numéro 102 - (Re)voir la peinture

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