Nick Cave

Anja Bock
MassMoCA, North Adams, U.S.A., October 16, 2016 — August 31, 2017
Nick Cave exhibit opening at Mass MoCA
Nick Cave Until, vue d'installation à l'ouverture, MassMoCA, North Adams, 2016.
Photo : Douglas Mason
MassMoCA, North Adams, U.S.A., October 16, 2016 — August 31, 2017
[En anglais]
Nick Cave’s expansive installation at MassMoCA, Until, transmits the same energetic charge as the performances that he is known for. Every cubic metre of the cavernous hall is filled with colour and movement: thousands of shiny metallic lawn ornaments hang from the ceiling like strings of beads. They capture the light and send it every which way through the space, the structure of which is further dematerialized by a reflective floor at the entrance. 

After weaving through this odd forest of sorts, we come to a clearing; overhead are two gigantic crystal clouds. The effect is enchanting, and curiosity compels us to climb up the long ladders: what could possibly be on that shimmering cloud? Abundance! Hundreds upon hundreds of ornamental birds, butterflies, and other animals are gathered as if in a lush heavenly nest. After we descend again to the terrestrial horizon, the exhibition leads us through a colourful beaded topography of mountainous proportions.

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