Bea Fremderman

Anaïs Castro
Chris Andrews, Montréal
February 10– March 30, 2024
Bea FremdermanCul-de-sac, exhibition view, Chris Andrews, Montréal, 2024.
Photo: Alberto Porro courtesy of the artist & Chris Andrews, Montréal
Chris Andrews, Montréal
February 10– March 30, 2024
[En anglais]

Nonperishables sit in our pantries indefinitely, retaining a resolute promise of nourishment. They are the food of choice in case of misfortune, the last source of nutrition in an apocalypse. What they lack in appeal, they make up in practicality. We keep them “just in case.”

In our everyday lives, we encounter profound influences that operate beneath our conscious awareness. It is precisely these potent yet concealed forces that were at play in Cul-de-sac, New York–based Bea Fremderman’s first solo exhibition at Chris Andrews. Sixteen cans lined the walls of the gallery, used here as quasi-framing devices for meticulously composed textile arrangements. These modest metal vessels had been emptied of their edible contents and filled with carefully folded garments and accessories. 

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Cet article parait également dans le numéro 111 - Tourisme

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