Aliocha Imhoff & Kantuta QuirósLes impatients, Episode 4, Dakar, video still, 2019.
Photo : courtesy of the artists

Chronopolitics of the Future: An Interview with Aliocha Imhoff and Kantuta Quirós.

Nathalie Desmet
According to Aliocha Imhoff and Kantuta Quirós, curators, theorists, filmmakers, and founders of the online platform A people is missing, art is a site of knowledge production capable of generating forms of representation and sovereignty alternative to those existing in the present. In their curatorial practice, fiction becomes a powerful tool for reducing the interval that exists between the potential and the actual. The future is considered in a form that is always external to pessimism and a general sense of powerlessness. Through the tools, methods, and objects that they develop or relate, a new horizon is gradually mapped out.

The 1:1 scale11 1 - These are performance practices that operate at the scale and in the space-time that they occupy and that exist on the border between art and non-art. . See Stephen Wright, “1:1 Scale,” Toward a Lexicon of Usership (Eindhoven: Van Abbemuseum, 2013) apparatuses examined by Imhoff and Quirós are often, in terms of art, fictional trials, assemblies, or conventions imagined by artists and intertwining knots of time between past, present, and future. A potential regime and new temporalities develop, offering glimpses of other policies and means of action.

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This article also appears in the issue 100 - Futurity

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