Lan -Florence-Yee _ Wholetome _ 2023_
Lan "Florence" YeeWhole to me, 2023, installation view, MAI, Montréal, 2024.
Photo: David Wong, courtesy of MAI, Montréal
Montréal, arts interculturels (MAI)
May 2–June 15, 2024
[En anglais]

The ambience that greets visitors to The Traces That Remain is one of both quiet solemnity and a certain lightness of being. Time seems to stand still in the darkened gallery, and the air is thick with feeling. Curated by eunice bélidor, the exhibition brings together four artists who reflect on the interrelated processes of grief, change, and resilience. Tracing the imperceptible lines that unite us in these lived experiences, bélidor reminds us that although pain, loss, and death are inevitable, they need not be faced alone or without the care of a broader community.

From the outset, Lan “Florence” Yee’s printed fabric gently billows from the breeze created by the audience entering the gallery. Suspended from a free-standing spruce-wood structure, these makeshift curtains depicting walls of glass blocks feel both delicate and inviting. In Tangerine, After Grapefruit (2022–24), Yee pays tribute to and reconceptualizes Yoko Ono’s artist book from 1964, thoughtfully giving it architectural heft. Using textiles to spatialize their own series of embroidered performative instructions combined with images printed on fabric, Yee creates a poetic site that reflects on queer intersubjectivity and identity.

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