Yam Lau9th Floor, 318 Sai Yeung Choi Street (1969–1981), installation view, 2021.
Photo : Dennis Ha
Hotam Press Gallery, Vancouver
June 12—August 29, 2021
[En anglais]

Light Hours came together in two months through several meetings between the participating artists and the gallery’s coordinator, Ho Tam. In much the same spirit as Hotam, the independent press linked to the gallery, Light Hours is a carefully and conscientiously organized exhibition about Hong Kong.

All eleven artists in the show are Canadian and are either from Hong Kong or connected to the city in some way. This piqued my interest, as the daughter of a Hong Kong immigrant myself, and Tam agreed to give me a tour of the exhibition on Zoom. Light Hours features a surprisingly wide range of works for a relatively small space, including videos, drawings, sculptures, and photographs, with seven of the artists creating new pieces for this exhibition.

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Cet article parait également dans le numéro 104 - Collectifs

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